Summer campaigns with gamification image.

5 inspiring summer campaigns: gamification done right!

Summer 2024 is around the corner! For marketers, it is time to think ahead and plan our marketing summer campaigns, so we get the expected results for the end of Q2 and Q3. Plus, most of the time, we have to plan them very well as they might be running while we have our feet in the sand, with absolutely no desire to have to jump on a quick call to fix unforeseen issues. 

With the warmer weather and longer days, people tend to spend more time outside. They are often in the mood to shop and try new things. This presents a great opportunity for businesses to boost their sales and engage with their target audience in fun and creative ways.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best summer marketing campaign ideas using examples from real brands to help you get started.

Summer campaigns featured image webinar

Do you prefer a video format? Then, check out our webinar on Summer campaigns!

5 examples of summer campaigns from different industries and purposes

Below, you will find different summer campaign ideas with examples from real brands! All the examples of summer campaigns included were built using the Playable platform.

1. Virgin Red, or how to promote getaways this summer!

Summer, as you most likely know, is a peak travel season! This means people are actively seeking travel opportunities during this time. Promoting getaways, trips, and other traveling experiences during the summer months can be great summer campaign ideas, making your campaign more relevant and appealing to your target audience. Again, we highly encourage you to utilize game mechanics in marketing to boost the success of your summer campaigns.

Virgin Red & Virgin Voyages had incredible results by creating a fun quiz to promote their luxury sea getaways to the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Europe, and beyond. They achieved outstanding results with their summer campaign, garnering five million views without spending any marketing budget. This resulted in the lowest cost-per-acquisition (CPA) in the company’s history, making it a triple win for Virgin Red, Virgin Voyages, and their customers. The fortunate winners not only enjoyed their dream holidays, but the positive attention generated also led to an increase in paid ticket sales.

The results:

  • 131,000 competition entries
  • 3,500 new Virgin Red members

Learn more about Virgin Red leveraging games in their marketing strategy!

Summer campaign examples: Virgin Red

2. Willem II, or how to create a summer buzz around a new product launch!

Summer is a time when people are generally more relaxed and open to trying new things – so it’s the perfect timing to launch new products. Plus, creating a summer buzz around a new product launch can be a strategic move for increasing brand awareness, standing out from competitors, leveraging social media, and ultimately driving sales for your business. That’s why Willem II decided to create a gamified summer campaign to release their new home team jersey. 

The football club tweeted that their team captain, Jordens Peters, “left the club”. All the fans were in shock because they thought maybe his contract was picked up by another club. But no – it was only the beginning of a thrilling scavenger hunt. By playing four games built on Playable, the fans could find the coordinates to the secret location where Peters was hiding.

In just two to three hours, a staggering 27,583 fans visited Willem II’s website to participate in the scavenger hunt. Eventually, one lucky fan found Peters in the office of Willem II’s main sponsor, where he was waiting with a key to open the fan shop and reveal the 2020-2021 new team jersey. The success of this summer campaign demonstrated the power of gamification in engaging fans and creating an unforgettable experience.


  • 6,529 registrations collected (in only 3 hours) 
  • 602 newsletter sign-ups
  • 03:19 average time used across 4 different games 

Learn more about Willem II’s gamified campaign!

Summer campaign examples: Willem II

3. Carlsberg, or how to promote products during summer events

Summer events often attract a large number of people, providing an excellent opportunity to increase brand awareness and exposure. If your product is well-suited to the summer season, creating gamified campaigns tailored for events can help to boost sales. By showcasing your product and offering special promotions or discounts, you can entice attendees to make a purchase on the spot, or try the product. Attending summer events can also be an opportunity to build relationships with potential customers. By engaging with attendees and creating a positive impression, you can increase brand loyalty.

Carlsberg knew well these summer campaign benefits and they utilized them well in the following campaign. Being an active sponsor of the Danish National team in football, it was a natural choice for Carlsberg to launch a major campaign during the Euro2020 football championship, held in 2021, called “With the Team.” Although they were not official sponsors of the tournament, they felt compelled to do something as it was being partly held in Denmark.

The strategic element of the campaign was a message of “Win with the team,” which was relatively straightforward: Purchase a limited edition Carlsberg can and verify the QR code on the can to see if you have won Denmark fan merchandise.

The objectives of the campaign were to engage with fans, manifest a strong brand association with football, plus – very important – to drive sales. We can safely say it was a success!


  • 2x higher redemption rate on a “code on pack” campaign
  • 1,500% increase in traffic on the website
  • 2,5x more time spent on the website per visit
Summer campaign examples: Carlsberg

Learn more about Carlsberg’s successful gamification summer campaign 

4. Aldi Denmark, or how to engage your audience using gamified summer campaigns

Gamified summer campaigns can be a highly effective way to engage your audience and create excitement and awareness around your brand during the summer months. To successfully engage your audience, it’s important to make the game interactive, challenging, and rewarding. The game should be easy to understand and play and should offer some form of incentive, such as a prize or discount, for completing the game or achieving a high score. It’s also important to make the game social, allowing players to share their progress on social media and compete with friends. By incorporating these elements into your summer campaign ideas, you can create an immersive and engaging experience that will keep your audience coming back for more.

That’s exactly what ALDI Danmark had in mind when they built their Spot the difference summer game. With the work of their in-house graphic designer, they designed the graphics and were able to quickly create the game on the Playable platform. This summer competition was advertised through their owned marketing channels, including their newsletter and social media platforms. The campaign ran for 10 days and resulted in almost 15,000 visitors engaging with it, with ALDI Denmark achieving a conversion rate of 74.2%. On average, players spent 1 minute and 30 seconds playing the Spot the difference game.


  • 15,000 visited the game
  • 90 sec time spent on average
  • 74,2% of all people who played the game signed up

Read more about ALDI Danmark’s spot the difference campaign

5. Tulip, or how to promote seasonal summer products and boost sales

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor gatherings, and nothing brings people together like a good old-fashioned BBQ. For food producers, this means that the summer season presents a prime opportunity to market their products in a fun and engaging way. By creating gamified campaigns that promote seasonal summer products that are perfect for the BBQ, food producers can tap into consumers’ desire for an enjoyable and interactive experience while also highlighting the unique benefits of their products. Whether it’s a new marinade, a fresh batch of veggies, or a tasty meat alternative, gamified campaigns can help food producers boost sales and build brand awareness during the BBQ season. But that’s also true for other industry like retailers promoting summer clothes, beverage producers promoting summer drinks, etc.

The food producer Danish Foods really had that in mind when they designed their gamified summer campaigns for their new pull pork taco meet from their sub-brand Tulip. The company worked with the platform to create a drop game that featured the ingredients required to make tacos using their new pulled pork meat.


  • 04:46 average engagement time
  • 7,000 unique visitors

Learn more about Tulip’s gamified summer campaign

Summer campaign examples: Tulip

Drive summer engagement with gamified summer campaigns!

Marketing summer campaigns can be a great way to engage with your audience and create memorable experiences for them. By leveraging the power of marketing gamification, brands can make their campaigns stand out and drive better results. We’ve seen some great examples of this in action, from Virgin Red’s “Epic Prize Ahoy” campaign to Tulip’s pulled pork taco drop game.

If you want to create a summer campaign that truly resonates with your audience, consider incorporating gamification into your strategy. Playable’s gamification platform can help you create fun and interactive summer experiences that keep your audience engaged and excited about your brand. Book a demo today to see how our platform can help you create a successful summer campaign that drives results.

Psst. You might also be interested in our article about Back-to-school campaigns!