This page has an overview of all of our e-guides and ebooks, with information about gamification, including useful knowledge and inspiration for your marketing campaigns and strategy.
Seasonal marketing can help brands stay relevant and engage with their customers by tapping into the emotions, interests, and behaviors...
Learn about gamification in retail with this guide. Discover how playable experiences can enhance your retail marketing strategy.
This ebook explains how to make your brand stand out during Christmas season with playable marketing.
This e-guide explores always-on marketing campaign. Why would one turn off campaigns who are turning customers to your brand?
A comparison of YouGov consumer data to Playable platform: what consumers said was conservative to how they actually behaved.
This e-guide outlines how game mechanics can help brands enhance their digital marketing transformation and create immersive experiences.
Get the latest consumer research by YouGov and Playable about gamified marketing campaigns.
What are the challenges within the customer journey, including gaining, targeting and growing, and creating a retention strategy?
What challenges do retail marketers face when generating brand awareness and leads?