Gravity Dodger game concept Playable.

Gravity dodger

Gravity Dodger is the ultimate arcade adventure that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat! 

Gravity dodger benefits

  • Time spent: With the right game logic, gravity dodger will keep players engaged and foster game repetition. 
  • Brand & product awareness: By utilizing a logo, product or other brand trademarks as game avatar or obstacles you can direct valuable attention to your brand
  • Collect permissions: For the right target groups, this game will bring back memories and foster immediate interest 

Gravity dodger

In this challenging and addictive game, you’ll guide your avatar through an adventurous landscape. Your mission is to collect as many points as you can while dodging the obstacles that come your way. 

Tap to send your avatar upward, but be careful; too many taps will send you skyrocketing, while too few will leave you at gravity’s mercy.

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