We’ve all been guilty of a hungry impulse purchase once the shopping list is complete at the grocery store. Be that a bargainous promotional offer, or a treat from an endcap, the sweets aisle, or the frozen section ending up in our cart. And it’s more often than you might think. Almost a fifth of products purchased in stores are picked up impulsively with 7.9% at the end of an aisle, 5.8% from a display at the front of the store, and 5.7% from a checkout display.
While it’s no surprise that more is being done to tackle and challenge the ability for those high fat, salt & sugar products to be promoted, with the HFSS legislation fast approaching (currently slated to go into effect in the UK by January 2023), retail and grocery brands have to adapt quickly and start now. There’s real money at stake, too. Retailers stand to lose £1.1bn in sales each year once HFSS goes into effect.
Retailers like Tesco and Sainsbury’s have already trialed removing confectionary endcaps from some of their stores, and chip brand Tyrell’s have gone to market with HFSS-compliant chips.
The HFSS legislation will be one of the most seismic developments in grocery in living memory. While the challenges are huge for grocery retail, opportunities exist for those who act fast enough to take them.Retail Week
The HFSS legislation will be one of the most seismic developments in grocery in living memory. While the challenges are huge for grocery retail, opportunities exist for those who act fast enough to take them.
Marketers for retail and grocery brands will face key business challenges due to HFSS; however, with challenges always come opportunities. What will be key is knowing how to reach your audience.
”There will still be connection points that retailers can find with people to build brands and compete for spend. It’s a question of knowing which channels are likely to work most effectively for your target audience,” explains Kantar.
In addition to potential lost profits from HFSS foods and endcap confectionary sales, other key challenges brands will face:
Brands and retailers need to consider how to best engage consumers to drive sales and increase brand awareness.
Given the major changes that HFSS brings, it might be easy to think that there are only challenges ahead. However, we see plenty of opportunities for retailers and brands to adapt their marketing strategy in an HFSS-compliant way.
Here are 4 immediate opportunities for retailers to consider:
Lastly, be creative, be innovative, be unique! Use these legislative changes as the opportunity to communicate and truly engage your shopper audience.